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Press and images

Press visit

Journalists, film crews and press photographers are welcome at Museum Voorlinden by appointment. Please register at least 5 working days in advance via press@voorlinden.nl. Please state the date and reason for your visit, your client or medium and enclose a copy of a current press card or business card.

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In our image database you will find photos of the museum, gardens and exhibitions of Voorlinden. You can use these free images for editorial contributions, as long as you mention the copyrights. The images cannot be used for commercial purposes. Mail to press@voorlinden.nl for access to the images.

image database

Photo shoots and film recordings

Professional film recordings or photography in the museum, garden or on the estate is only allowed after written permission from the press department of Voorlinden. Submit your request at least 2 weeks in advance via press@voorlinden.nl. For the optimal visitor experience, protection of the privacy of our visitors and safety of our artworks, there is a protocol for film recordings and photo shoots. We assess each request on content and match with the Voorlinden brand.

Our house rules also apply to press visits, photo shoots and film recordings.

download protocol